Guest post by Hong-Konger, coffee addict and food and drink journalist Charmaine Mok
I’m originally from Calgary, Canada, but since I haven’t been back there for 17 years, I consider myself a half Hong Konger, half Londoner - my family is from the former, and it’s where I now live (again) after spending the last seven years in London.

Tak Hing Lung, hidden behind the market stalls in North Point’s Marble Road, is its equal on the island side.
Or have a scrambled egg sandwich and macaroni-in-soup breakfast at the chaotic Australian Dairy Company (note: it has nothing to do with the Aussies), where the scarily-efficient waiters can clear the tables and take your order at the same time.

It isn’t always easy living here – high rents, pollution, a shambles of a government to name a few vices – but every time someone comes to visit me and I get to play tour guide, I’m again reminded about how much this petit island has up its silk sleeve. Hopefully my recommendations will show you the lesser-seen side of Hong Kong.