At Everplaces we believe the world is a particularly wonderful place. That’s why we think everyone should have a chance to make the most of it.
Not long ago, a revolution happened within technology and we all got the ability to use GPS and geo location in our everyday lives, through our mobile phones. Countless Location-Based-Services were born from this capability. Unfortunately, this soon meant that all this geo coded information became a crowded and noisy space, where the information brought very little value to our lives.
Everplaces is being built to make your location-based data valuable again. It allows you to filter out the best places and save them permanently. So it is a service where you save the places that actually matter to you. Places you want to be able to find again, to recommend to friends or just keep track of. You do it yourself so it’s the best of your very own places, not some editors’ or even the crowds’, so it’s valuable because it’s filtered by you. Then you can share these places you like with your friends.
Our dream is that Everplaces will help you make the most of your world. We live our lives in locations. Choosing which ones to spend your life in matters.
Sign up for the beta on our website so you’re the first to try it. It will be out very soon.
Tine Thygesen,
Co-founder and CEO