Last night was a good night for team Everplaces. We took home two major prizes and a host of short listings in the prestigious Danish App Awards.
- Winner: Category of transport and navigation
- Shortlisted: Category of Events and Tourism
After the winners in each category were given, the time came to prizes for the best app overall in each of the important app disciplines. As we live and die for making quality apps, we see this as particularly. Therefore it was an enormous honor to find the jury had shortlisted us for every single one of these awards!
- Winner: Innovation Award
- Shortlisted: Best Design
- Shortlisted, Best Usability
- Shortlisted, Best functionality
- Shortlisted, App of the Year
The short listing for Events and Tourism was particularly important to us, as the nomination was not for the app “Everplaces”, but for Copenhagen Cooking Festival, which we have made together with our partners at Wonderful Copenhagen.
Top level competition
The competition for the awards, and for even making it to the final, has been incredible tough. Denmark is on the forefront of mobile usage and development so the standard of innovation and programming is high.
This is not surprising, as the country has one of the highest smart phone penetration rates in the world, and 200 hundred years of tradition for engineering and design.
Here’s a full list of the winners
App of the Year: Mobile Pay - Danske Bank, Trifork & In2Media
Best design: Classic Winnie-the-Pooh - Egmont & Shape
Best functionality: Mobile Pay - Danske Bank, Trifork & In2Media
Best usability: Nabby - Nabby og Trifork
Aller Innovation Award: Everplaces – Everplaces
Games: Pack a Puzzle (Guld) - Set Snail & Hello Monday
Sport & health: Min Hovedpine (Bronze) - De Allierede, Frankly Web & Pfizer Danmark
Lifestyle: Minibar (Guld) - Shape
Tools: Haze (Sølv) - Robocat & Taptanium
Finance: Mobile Pay (Guld) - Danske Bank, Trifork & In2Media
Education & Kids: Nabby (Guld) - Nabby og Trifork
Shopping: (Sølv) -, Hello Group & Spoiled Milk
Navigation & Transport: Everplaces (Guld) - Everplaces
Events & Turisme: Distortion 2013 (Sølv) - Shape
News and Reference: Den Danske Ordbog (Bronze) - Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab, Sylvain Fay-Châtelard & Miracle